Thursday 24 September 2015


Click here to see prelim

Today in our media lesson we had some fun playing around with the cameras and filmed our very first prelim as a group. My group consisted of Chloe, Ollie, Xander and Ryan. We used a big room with big windows so we can have good lighting in the video. However whilst editing the video we realized that some of the footage (mainly the one with the camera facing towards the window) was too dark and almost looked like it was created on purpose to create tension or a dark atmosphere to suggest that the figure in the clip (Ryan) has a dark soul. Further more we had troubles with some jump cuts whilst editing. For the soundtrack we filmed Xander playing an original song on the piano and edited it so it would last for the whole of the prelim. For better sound next time we would use an external microphone instead of the camera one and for better lighting we would use a studio light to help adjust the brightness of the room and clip. My job was to be the woman that the mysterious man was giving his number to and help with the editing and transitions.

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